
You know that feeling of when your family is sitting at the dinner table eating and visiting. That feeling of contentment and satisfaction that everyone’s together safe and sound. That’s the feeling a Nihart Portrait carries and it’s absolutely beautiful on the wall.

I create for YOUR family!

What STORY do you want to tell?

How will it be TOLD?

Let’s create memories together.

What can I do for you?


Nihart Photography is about capturing the beauty of life.


Your life has PURPOSE!

Your STORY is important !

What story do you want to TELL?

How you tell it WILL have an IMPACT!

Where do we start? We start with the end in mind!

Legacy! Creating Wall Portraits
A piece of your story forever told as your images will become so much more valuable with the passing on time. We have a design appointment, create a plan and experience that will emerge with one of the most valuable pieces of art in you home.
Prints and Digitals with style and purpose. With this photo experience, we create images of your loved ones that will be presented in printed and social media files.
Social Media Sharing!
Digital images are produced for business headshots and for Limited Edition Sessions. These two sessions are for when you are looking to update your look or capture your children with a beloved holiday or childhood theme. https://www.nihartphotography.com/Headshots/Headshot-Sessions


Let’s get in touch

This is wonderful. You are taken steps to do something so special for yourself and your family. I look forward to providing you with some guidance as you make your decisions.